• Simplicity Parenting

Today’s busier, faster society is waging an undeclared war on childhood. With too much stuff, too many choices, and too little time, children can become anxious, have trouble with friends and school, or even be diagnosed with behavioral problems.

Now internationally renowned family consultant Kim John Payne helps parents reclaim for their children the space and freedom that all kids need for their attention to deepen and their individuality to flourish.

Simplicity Parenting offers inspiration, ideas, and a blueprint for change.

DIMENSIONS: 31 X 23 X 0.8 cm 27 pages

AUTHOR: Kim John Payne

EDITIONS: Ballantyne Books

ISBN: 978-0-345-50798-3


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Simplicity Parenting

  • Modèle: 9780345507983
  • Disponibilité: Manquant temporairement
  • 19,00$

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