• First Book of Knitting for Children (A)

By Bonnie Gosse and Jill Allerton
With photography by Dave Gosse and Bryan Anderson.

This is a knitting book with a difference. Rhymes and photos show in detail the basic steps of knitting. A thorough introduction to knit stitch and purl stitch is followed by simple, enticing patterns for animals. The patterns are easy and exciting to make and the completed projects are fun to play with. Although written for children, this book is a valuable resource for adults. Handwork teachers, parents and grown-ups wishing to learn how to knit will find that the simple to follow instructions, the interesting patterns and the artistic photographs make this book a must for their collection.

Also available: Knitting for Children: A second book by Bonnie Gosse and Jill Allerton. This book is a natural progression from A First Book of Knitting for Children, introducing new methods and a wider variety of patterns.

A First Book of Knitting for Children 

96 pages.
Size 197 x 210 mm. 8 x 8 inches.
Sewn paperback.
Printed in colour throughout with numerous photographs and illustrations

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First Book of Knitting for Children (A)

  • Modèle: --
  • Disponibilité: Manquant temporairement
  • 25,00$

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