Subtitle: Ancient Civilizations - Greece and Rome
Author: Roy Wilkinson
Publisher: Rudolf Steiner College Press - Wilkinson Waldorf Curriculum Series
Publication Date: 1973
Extent: 94 pages
Format: Paperback
ISBN-13: 9780945803447
Dimension: 21 X 14 X 1
Weight: 138 gr
The History curriculum for fifth and sixth grades in a Waldorf school follows the thread of development of cultures through Ancient India, Persia, Egypt and Chaldea, Greece, and Rome. This provides a picture of the changing human consciousness from ancient clairvoyance to the loss of spiritual vision and, with it, the awakening of independent ego awareness and materialism. The teacher is guided to a deeper understanding of the spiritual significance of mythologies and great epics, and shows how the ancient world points the way to the future.
Roy Wilkinson was an indefatigable teacher of children, lecturer, author, and inspirer of many people in the Waldorf movement in the UK and abroad, right up to his death at the age of 90 in 2007.
Teaching History - Volume 1
- Marque: Rudolf Steiner College Press
- Modèle: 9780945803447
- Disponibilité: En stock
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