• Tasks and Content (The) of the Steiner-Waldorf Curriculum

Editors: Kevin Avison, Martyn Rawson

Publisher: Floris Book

Publication Date: 2014

Extent: 384 pages

Format: Paperback

ISBN-13: 9781782500421

Dimension: 24 X 21 X 3

Weight: 888 gr


This book is a comprehensive overview of what is taught in Steiner-Waldorf schools, and why. 
As well as describing the content and methods of the Waldorf curriculum, this book provides a clear overview of the ideas behind the approach. It includes: 

-- a summary of the ideas underpinning this unique form of education 
-- a survey of child development in relation to the curriculum 
-- a description of key elements in the Waldorf approach 
-- sections on evaluation and assessment 
-- self-management 
-- Early Years education 
-- a horizontal curriculum for Classes 1 to 12 
-- a vertical curriculum for each subject 

This handbook is indispensable for all Steiner-Waldorf schools and teachers. 

Previously published as The Educational Tasks and Content of the Steiner Waldorf Curriculum.


Kevin Avison has been a teacher in both state and Steiner schools. He is an executive officer to the Steiner Waldorf Schools Fellowship. He has two grown up children who were educated in Waldorf schools. He lives in Stourbridge, England.

Martyn Rawson has taught in Waldorf Schools in the UK. He currently lives in Germany and works for the International Waldorf Schools Federation.


'[An] impressively accessible and imposing book... Part 1 can be read as a very useful general introduction to the Steiner Waldorf approach, whilst the remainder of the book is more of a handbook rather than a cover-to-cover read - but it is no less useful or engaging for that. The book will serve as a very useful resource for parents as well as for teachers... It is difficult to imagine a more comprehensive contemporary overview of Steiner Waldorf education than this... This is surely one book that the contemporary Steiner teacher, of whatever age group or level of experience, will find it essential to have on her or his book shelf.' 
-- Richard House, New View

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Tasks and Content (The) of the Steiner-Waldorf Curriculum

  • Marque: Floris Books
  • Modèle: 9781782500421
  • Disponibilité: En stock
  • 46,00$

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