• Baking bread with children

Baking bread with children

With a little know-how anyone can transform a few basic ingredients into a delicious, sustaining loaf of bread. Baking Bread with Children has everything you need to share the magic of baking with children of all ages. The techniques and recipes are cleverly seasoned with stories, songs and poems to make the whole process really enjoyable for everyone. There are also instructions for building and using a bread oven, baking projects for kindergarten and school, and useful nutritional information

Warren Lee Cohen has over 20 years experience of baking bread with children and adults, building bread ovens and teaching bread workshops.

209 pages
Editions: Hawthorn Press

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Baking bread with children

  • Modèle: Crafts
  • Disponibilité: En stock
  • 28,00$

Balises: toy, wood, children's book, anthroposophy, silk, wool, felt, lyra crayon, music, instrument, lyr, kalimba, glockenspiel, xylophone, candle, wax, watercolor